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Can Steph Curry Palm a Basketball


Steph Curry has the ability to palm a basketball, showcasing his exceptional hand size and strength. His skill enhances his ball handling and shooting capabilities on the basketball court.

Steph Curry, the renowned basketball player, possesses the remarkable talent of being able to play basketball. This impressive skill demonstrates his exceptional hand size and strength. With the ability to palm the ball, Curry gains an advantage in ball handling and shooting, allowing him to make precise and powerful moves on the court.

His unique basketball grip gives him an enhanced ability to control and manipulate the ball, contributing to his success as one of the greatest shooters in NBA history. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Steph Curry and explore his remarkable basketball skills.

What It Means To Palm A Basketball

Palming a basketball refers to the technique of holding the basketball in one hand using a combination of grip strength and hand size. It allows players like Steph Curry to have better control and maneuverability on the court. In basketball, palming is often associated with dribbling as it helps players have a more secure grip on the ball, facilitating faster dribbling and better ball-handling skills.

Palming is defined as when a player places his or her hand underneath the basketball and uses their fingers and palm to gain control of it. This technique is advantageous as it allows players to have a better feel for the ball, offering more control when passing, shooting, or dribbling.

One of the main advantages of palming a basketball is that it provides better control and grip, which allows players to execute more advanced moves such as crossovers, hesitations, and behind-the-back dribbles. The ability to palm a basketball also enables players to have a quicker release on their shots, making it harder for defenders to block.

Additionally, playing basketball can give players a confidence boost, as it adds to their overall ball-handling skills and makes them feel more comfortable with the ball in their hand. This can lead to improved performance on the court and allow players to take their game to the next level.

Can Steph Curry Palm a Basketball
Credit: www.charlotteobserver.com

Analysis of Steph Curry’s hand size

Steph Curry is widely regarded as one of the greatest shooters in NBA history, but how does his hand size affect his ability to palm a basketball? According to various reports, Curry’s hand size is measured at 9.9 inches long and 9.1 inches wide. While his hand size is considered average for an NBA player, Curry has displayed impressive palm strength during games, providing evidence of his ability to palm the basketball.

In many instances, Curry has been seen palming the ball while dribbling or executing intricate ball-handling moves. This skill allows him to maintain better control and stability while maneuvering through defenders or shooting from different angles. By palming the ball, Curry can generate a tighter grip, allowing for quicker release and improved accuracy on his shots.

The impact of palming on Curry’s game cannot be overstated. It gives him an advantage in controlling the ball, making it harder for defenders to steal or deflect. Palming also allows him to showcase his creativity and finesse, utilizing his unique ball-handling skills to create space and scoring opportunities.

Evidence of Steph Curry palming a basketball:
– Seen palming the ball during dribbling and ball-handling moves.
– Provides better control and stability.
– Allows for quicker release and improved accuracy on shots.

Overall, while Curry’s hand size may not be extraordinary, his ability to palm the basketball and utilize this skill in-game situations sets him apart. It is a testament to his exceptional hand-eye coordination and mastery of the sport, contributing to his success as a top-tier NBA player.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Can Steph Curry Palm A Basketball

Does Curry Palm The Ball?

No, Stephen Curry does not palm the ball. He is known for his exceptional ball-handling skills and shooting ability.

Can Stephen Curry Dunk A Basketball?

Yes, Stephen Curry can dunk a basketball. He is known for his impressive shooting skills, but he can also dunk with his athleticism.

Can Your Palm Touch The Ball In Basketball?

Yes, in basketball, your palm can touch the ball, as it is commonly used for dribbling, shooting, and passing.

Do You Shoot With Palm Or Fingers?

You shoot by pressing the shutter button with your fingers, not your palm. This allows for better control and accuracy when capturing photos.


To conclude, it is clear that Steph Curry’s ability to play basketball is a remarkable skill. His exceptional hand-eye coordination and strong grip enable him to control the ball with ease, contributing to his impressive shooting accuracy and control on the court.

Whether it’s for shooting or ball handling, Curry’s ability to palm a basketball sets him apart as one of the greatest players in the game. His talent continues to awe fans and inspire aspiring basketball players worldwide.

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