What is a Crooked Number in Baseball? Unraveling the Mystique


A crooked number in baseball refers to a score of two or more runs in a single inning. When a team puts up a crooked number on the scoreboard, it means they have successfully scored multiple runs in one turn at bat.

This term is often used to highlight big offensive innings or rallies that can quickly change the momentum of a game. Scoring a crooked number can be a significant advantage for a team, as it allows them to build a lead or catch up in a close game.

It requires effective hitting and base running, and it often demoralizes the opposing team. Overall, a crooked number is a key element of excitement in baseball, showcasing the dynamic nature of the game.

What is a Crooked Number in Baseball: Unraveling the Mystique

Credit: seattlewiffleball.com

The Definition Of A Crooked Number

When it comes to baseball, there is a unique term that fans often hear – “crooked number.” But what exactly does it mean? In this post, we are going to explore the concept of a crooked number in baseball, starting with the definition.

What Is Considered A Crooked Number?

A crooked number in baseball refers to any number other than zero or one that appears in the scoring column for a team during an inning. It is a term used to describe multiple runs scored by a team in a single inning, typically represented on the scoreboard as a number with the digit “1” followed by another digit. For example, if a team scores three runs in an inning, it would be considered a crooked number.

In simpler terms, a crooked number is an offensive outburst where a team manages to put up more than one run on the scoreboard in a single inning. It is an achievement that often excites both players and fans, as it can quickly change the dynamics of a game.

Origin Of The Term

The origin of the term “crooked number” in baseball is not entirely clear. Some speculate that it originated from the idea that a crooked number looks visually distinct from a single-digit number or zero on the scoreboard. Others suggest that it likely comes from the notion that scoring multiple runs creates an uneven, or ‘crooked’ scoreline for the opposing team. Despite its unclear origin, the term has become a common and well-understood expression among baseball enthusiasts.

What is a Crooked Number in Baseball: Unraveling the Mystique

Credit: www.imdb.com

Crooked Numbers And Scoring In Baseball

When it comes to scoring in baseball, one term that often comes up is “crooked numbers.” But what exactly does this mean? In baseball, scoring is the process of earning runs, and crooked numbers refer to any score other than 0, 1, or 2 runs in a single inning. These crooked numbers can have a significant impact on the outcome of a game, making them an important aspect of baseball strategy. Let’s take a closer look at scoring in baseball and the importance of crooked numbers.

Scoring In Baseball

Scoring is the fundamental objective of a baseball game. It involves the act of crossing home plate while at bat and earning runs for your team. Runs are tallied by the number of players who successfully make it around all the bases and touch home plate.

When a player hits the ball, they try to advance through the bases, starting from first base to second base, to third base, and finally to home plate. Each time a player touches a base, they are one step closer to scoring a run. Once they reach home plate, a run is added to their team’s score.

The Importance Of Crooked Numbers

Crooked numbers refer to scoring more than 2 runs in a single inning. These larger scores can have a significant impact on the outcome of a game and are often a result of successful hitting, base running, and strategic gameplay.

When a team is able to put up a crooked number, it puts pressure on the opposing team’s pitchers and defense. It can be demoralizing for the opposition and provide a morale boost for the team scoring the runs. Crooked numbers also put the team in a better position to win the game, as they are able to extend their lead and create a larger cushion.

Furthermore, crooked numbers often lead to momentum swings in a game. A team that is able to score multiple runs in a single inning can gain momentum and confidence. This can carry over into future innings, giving them an advantage over their opponents.

In addition, crooked numbers force opposing teams to make adjustments in their pitching strategy. Pitchers may be pulled from the game, defensive alignments can change, and relief pitchers may be employed earlier than planned. This provides the team with the crooked numbers an opportunity to exploit new matchups and potentially score even more runs.

In conclusion, crooked numbers in baseball refer to scoring more than 2 runs in a single inning. They are vital to a team’s success and can have a game-changing impact. Generating crooked numbers puts pressure on the opposing team, creates momentum, and forces adjustments in pitching strategy. Understanding the importance of crooked numbers in baseball can enhance a team’s chances of winning and ultimately lead to an exciting and engaging game.

Strategies To Get Crooked Numbers

Crooked numbers in baseball refer to scoring multiple runs in a single inning. To achieve this, teams employ various strategies such as aggressive base running, timely hitting, and capitalizing on opponent’s mistakes. These tactics aim to propel a team’s score and gain an advantage in the game.

Introductory Paragraph

Strategies to Get Crooked Numbers – In the game of baseball, a crooked number refers to a multi-run inning, where the score on the scoreboard displays more than a single digit. Getting crooked numbers on the board can greatly impact a team’s chances of winning, as it puts pressure on the opposing team and provides a cushion for the pitching staff. To achieve crooked numbers, teams can employ various strategies involving power-hitting and base-running tactics.

Power Hitting

Power-hitting is a crucial aspect of generating crooked numbers in baseball. By focusing on power-hitting strategies, teams can increase their chances of hitting extra-base hits and home runs, resulting in multiple runs in an inning. Here are some effective power-hitting tactics:

  • Developing proper technique and form: Hitters should work on maximizing their bat speed and generating power through a strong, controlled swing.
  • Identifying favorable pitch locations: Hitters should study the opposing pitcher’s tendencies and look for pitches in their preferred hitting zones.
  • Capitalizing on mistakes: When the pitcher makes a mistake, such as leaving a pitch over the plate or hanging a breaking ball, hitters should be ready to pounce and drive the ball with authority.
  • Working on strength and conditioning: Building core strength and overall power through weight training and conditioning exercises can enhance a hitter’s ability to hit for power.

Base Running Tactics

Base running tactics can also contribute to the generation of crooked numbers on the scoreboard. By utilizing smart and aggressive base running strategies, teams can put themselves in a scoring position and make it easier to drive in runs. Here are some effective base running tactics:

  1. Stealing bases: Speedy players should take advantage of their quickness by attempting to steal bases, putting themselves in scoring positions without the need for a hit.
  2. Taking extra bases: By hustling and taking risks on the base paths, runners can advance an extra base on hits or force the defense into making errant throws, leading to more scoring opportunities.
  3. Executing hit-and-runs: Coordinated hit-and-run plays can help hitters find open spaces in the defense, allowing runners to advance more easily.
  4. Forcing errors: By putting pressure on the defense through aggressive base running, teams can force defenders into making mistakes, potentially leading to additional runs being scored.

By incorporating these power-hitting and base-running tactics into their gameplay, teams can increase their chances of generating the elusive crooked numbers on the scoreboard. These strategies not only provide an offensive advantage but also put pressure on the opposing team, creating a more favorable game situation.

Impact Of Crooked Numbers On Games

In the game of baseball, a “crooked number” refers to an inning in which a team scores more than one run. These crooked numbers have a significant impact on the outcome of the game, setting the stage for momentum shifts and affecting the psychological mindset of pitchers.

Momentum Shifts

With the occurrence of a crooked number, the momentum of the game can quickly swing in favor of the team that scored the runs. This sudden surge of offense can demoralize the opposing team and energize the scoring team. As the runs pile up, the team with the crooked number on the scoreboard gains confidence and begins to believe in their ability to win the game.

The momentum created by a crooked number can be contagious, infecting the entire team with a newfound sense of urgency and determination. Each player becomes more focused, knowing that their offensive efforts have propelled their team into a position of strength. This momentum shift can often be the turning point in a game, leading to further offensive outbursts and a more commanding lead.

Psychological Effect On Pitchers

For pitchers, witnessing a crooked number on the scoreboard represents a psychological challenge. The pressure increases as the margin for error decreases. The fear of giving up more runs can lead to overthinking and trying to be too perfect with every pitch. This heightened mental strain can affect a pitcher’s ability to execute their pitches effectively, resulting in mistakes and opportunities for the opposing team to capitalize on.

Furthermore, pitchers may experience a loss of confidence when they see a crooked number against their name. They may question their abilities and feel defeated before they even step on the mound for the next inning. This negative mindset can be detrimental to their performance, causing a decline in their pitching effectiveness and making it even harder to overcome the deficit.

To combat the psychological effect of crooked numbers, pitchers must maintain a strong mental resilience. They need to focus on the task at hand, pitch by pitch, rather than dwelling on past runs surrendered. By regaining their composure and refocusing their mindset, pitchers have the ability to regain control of the game and keep their team in contention.

In conclusion, the impact of crooked numbers on games in baseball cannot be overstated. These innings with multiple runs scored can shift momentum, invigorate one team, and demoralize the other. Additionally, crooked numbers can have a profound psychological effect on pitchers, challenging their confidence and mental fortitude. Recognizing and understanding the impact of crooked numbers is vital for both teams in order to effectively respond and adapt throughout the game.

Examples Of Crooked Numbers In Baseball

Crooked numbers in baseball refer to innings where a team scores more than one run. These examples highlight the excitement and offensive prowess of the game.

Famous Comeback Games

One of the most thrilling examples of a crooked number in baseball is seen in comeback games. In these games, a team is able to erase a significant deficit and come from behind to secure a victory. Some of the most famous comeback games in baseball history involve mind-blowing crooked numbers on the scoreboard.

One exceptional example is the 2004 American League Championship Series between the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees. In Game 4, the Red Sox found themselves down 3 games to none in the series and were trailing by a score of 4-3 in the ninth inning. However, they rallied to score a crooked number of 3 runs in the bottom of the ninth, securing a 6-4 victory and extending the series.

Another legendary comeback game took place during Game 6 of the 2011 World Series between the Texas Rangers and the St. Louis Cardinals. The Rangers were one out away from securing their first-ever championship when the Cardinals mounted an amazing comeback. They scored two runs to tie the game in the ninth inning and then went on to score a crooked number of two more runs in the 11th inning to clinch a 10-9 victory. This victory dramatically shifted the momentum of the series, and the Cardinals went on to win the championship in Game 7.

High-scoring Innings

Another prime example of crooked numbers in baseball is when a team has a highly productive inning where they score more than one run. These high-scoring innings are often the result of consecutive hits, walks, or errors by the opposing team, leading to a crooked number on the scoreboard.

One iconic high-scoring inning occurred on July 1, 2020, when the Washington Nationals faced off against the New York Mets. In the top of the first inning, the Nationals erupted with an extraordinary 13-run inning, recording multiple hits, walks, and even a grand slam. This crooked number not only set a franchise record for the Nationals but also tied the Major League Baseball record for the most runs scored in a single inning.

In another memorable game, the Atlanta Braves showcased their offensive prowess with a crooked number of 10 runs in a single inning. During a game against the Miami Marlins on May 20, 2015, the Braves sent an astonishing 15 batters to the plate in the top of the seventh inning, resulting in eight hits, one walk, and one hit-by-pitch. This remarkable offensive display led to their 10-run inning, ultimately securing a convincing victory for the Braves.

Records And Statistics Related To Crooked Numbers

When it comes to baseball, records and statistics play a significant role in understanding the game. One such statistic that often stands out is the concept of a crooked number. In simple terms, a crooked number refers to any inning in which a team scores more than one run. It is called a crooked number because the runs in that inning are not in a straight line, so to speak. These innings are important as they can have a significant impact on a team’s performance and can even make or break a game. Let’s take a closer look at some of the records and statistics related to crooked numbers in baseball.

Most Crooked Numbers In A Season

When discussing crooked numbers, it’s interesting to see which teams have had the most innings with multiple runs in a season. The record for the most crooked numbers in a single season belongs to the 1931 New York Yankees. This legendary team had an astonishing 110 crooked numbers, showcasing their powerful offense and ability to consistently score multiple runs in an inning. The 1930 Philadelphia Athletics also had an impressive season, recording 104 crooked numbers and cementing their place in the record books. These incredible achievements are a testament to the offensive prowess of these teams and the impact they had on the game.

Teams With The Highest Average Crooked Numbers

While the record for the most crooked numbers in a season is impressive, it’s also fascinating to look at which teams have had the highest average number of crooked numbers over the years. Average crooked numbers per season is calculated by dividing the total number of crooked numbers by the number of seasons played. One team that stands out in this regard is the Boston Red Sox. Over the course of their history, the Red Sox have consistently displayed a strong offense, leading to an average of 52 crooked numbers per season. Another team known for their offensive firepower is the St. Louis Cardinals, who also boast an impressive average of 48 crooked numbers per season. These teams have displayed a long-standing tradition of scoring multiple runs in an inning and have become synonymous with offensive excellence.

Frequently Asked Questions For What Is A Crooked Number In Baseball

What Is A Crooked Number In Baseball?

A crooked number in baseball refers to any inning where a team scores more than one run. It is a term used to describe a non-zero number in the score column. For example, if a team scores 3 runs in an inning, it is considered a crooked number.

Why Is It Called A Crooked Number In Baseball?

The term “crooked number” is used in baseball because when you look at the scorecard, the number of runs scored in an inning that is not zero or one appears crooked or uneven compared to the rest of the scores.

It adds excitement to the game and signifies a productive offensive effort by a team.

How Do Players Feel About Crooked Numbers In Baseball?

For players, a crooked number is a positive outcome as it means their team is scoring multiple runs in an inning. It boosts morale and confidence, and it puts pressure on the opposing team. A crooked number can change the momentum of a game and give a team a significant advantage.

Can A Team Score Multiple Crooked Numbers In A Baseball Game?

Yes, a team can score multiple crooked numbers in a baseball game. Each inning provides an opportunity for a team to score runs, and if they manage to score more than one run in multiple innings, it results in multiple crooked numbers on the scoreboard.

It reflects a dominant offensive performance by the team.


To sum it up, a crooked number in baseball refers to any inning where a team scores more than one run. It holds great importance in-game strategy, as scoring multiple runs in an inning can greatly shift the momentum and create a significant advantage.

Keeping an eye on crooked numbers can help both players and fans understand the ebb and flow of a baseball game, making it an exciting aspect of the sport.

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